Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pathetic Story Of Mine

Im a lil bit jealous. when i read a real-post from a real potterhead. I cried. I cant even write something better. i dont know. i envy her much. and i still dont know why.


Im not a true HP fan. Yes, and it was the real thing just from the beginning. I act like one. but not good enough. the real thing is, i dont even read

the books. I just watch the movies and really excited to explore about it. " Magic is not to be seen, but to be read " I search all over the internet to get to know about this and that on the movie. it was an unfathomable experience when somebody asked "are you really a harry potter fan?" And I answered YES all over the time. The bad thing is, when everybody asked me, "do you know whats gonna happen after ......etc.....(something in the HARRY POTTER series)" I answered them well, but not really well. When everybody said that i am a true fan of HP, my heart deny it. bcoz i know the real thing, the real secret that only lies on my mind. im really sorry of being fake all over the time. and i really am sorry.


Oh yeah, you can put the blame on me. on every single thing.


The most wonderful part of my life.

When i was 7. I watched Harry Potter with my eldest sister. She was 17. And she was really excited to watch the first movie from the series. I WAS 7. and i dont know a single thing about harry potter. As i can recall, Im sleeping when my sister watch it. Its midnight and my mom would CRUCIO my sister if she knew that i am sleeping inside of a cinema instead of going back home. But a few weeks later, my sister bought the CD and i watched it all over the time even i dont know WHO IS HARRY POTTER. I was amazed by a movie. A magical movie that i found really interesting at the first sight. I always pretended to be like Harry Potter when i was at school. When im all alone, i took my blanket and wore them like a robe. I broke some twiggy thing and feel like i am really capable to do magic. As i grown up, countless time i spent to watch the movie. and i still dont get the real thing. I asked myself, " Why is this story is so complicated? " Theres so many thing i didnt know even 100 times i watch the same movie. until i discovered. The movie came out after the book.

As i am a very lazy person. I decide to just watch the movie and just ignore the book. And now, these action made me someone who will not notice the real magic.


The Magic influenced me through the movies.

I thank Harry Potter for everything.

1. Friendship.
-define it yourself.

2. English.

I know my English is not good enough. but when i was chosen for the oral test in my school with the 'Pentaksir', it was skeptic. i dont know why is it me from the beginning. okay, first of all, my English teacher gave me a title to do oral in my class. and it was "Various ways to reduce accident". I did well in reading, and memorising. and thats not a real oral. I guess. Maybe, my eyes were hypnotising my friends in my class. but, not only mine. Diana performed well. and so did Eena. and my marks is a lil bit higher than anybody else. Im not showing off. Then i asked my teacher, why is it me? "You're a Wizard Harry". But i do realises that my english improved. since i watch Harry Potter everyday. I told you, i dont read the books. But, seriously wasnt it amazing, i only watch the series not even read it. but my english is getting better. I really thank Harry Potter for this. because it helped me, getting ready for my SPM.

3. My freaking awesome ACCENT.

im not showing off, but i have the English Accent. I guess. Because everybody told me so. But i dont have any idea how can i speak in English Accent. okay its BRITISH. Yesterday, i speak in english with some of my friends. Then, a junior said, "ITS A FAKE BRITISH ACCENT".

"You're messing up with me gurl.."

Who do you think you are?" haha. taklah sampai macam tu. Junior tu baik. And i was like? For God Sake, i have nothing to do with my accent. Its my english. and i can change nothing. "You're pretending, thats why i called its fake"

I watch Harry Potter EVERYDAYY!! And i cant resist the POWER.

Then i keep talking in english. Another junior ask, "Dia memang slalu speaking ke dalam kelas?" I answer them, Oh yes, alot. with Diana Delacour of course. Blablabla "Previous junior, he's showing off. and its fake." Third junior " Its not fake weh."
"Kids, im practicing english, what would you expect?"

Thanks for Backing Me Up.


I made Wands to prove I AM A POTTERHEAD.

1.We need to have Rosewood or Vinewood or Hornbeam or something suitable. nak senang ranting belakang rumah je. hahah. (Compulsory)

2. Newspapers. (Compulsory)

3. Hot Glue Gun. (Compulsory)

4. Marker pen (desired coloured pen) that suitable for the wand.

5. Cello-tape (any kind).

6. Knife.

7. Sand paper (if desired).

8. Long Ruler.


a) first and foremost, amek ranting korang. Ukur semacam mana panjang korang nak. jangan panjang sangat, jangan pendek sangat. agak2, bila korang pegang ranting tu, ada lagi lebih kurang 10-15cm.

b) raut hujung dia. sampai tajam. tapi tak yah tajam sangat, shape kan dia supaya nampak macam wand.

c) kalau dah tajam sangat. potong hujung dia bagi dia tak tajam. potong sikit je lah.

d) bila dah selesai memotong and all of that, guna kertas pasir utk bagi dia soft and xda calar balar.

e) dah habis, amik surat khabar. Potong untuk buat pemegang, lilit kat hujung ranting. then, lekatkan cellotape. bagi dia lebih skit kat hujung. bg dia ada lubang,

Hah, macam ni,

f) To make it hard enough to be hold, gamkan "bontot" dia.

g) isi bontot dia tu penuh2. tggu dia keras.

h) bila dah keras. warnakan dengan marker pen/coloured pen tu. Ikut suka korang samada nak guna marker/coloured pen or guna water colour. aku tak suka water2 colour nih. semak. nak tggu dia kering lg. lama. kalau guna marker/coloured pen, tggu kejap je. cuma leceh ah nak bagi colour dia rata. Kena sabar. aku pun, bila penat, sambung colour hari esoknya. haha.

i) bila dah habis warnakan, design corak untuk wand korang tuhh. macam aku, aku nak simple aku guna hot glue gun, bagi comot2. kalau korang nak letak bunga2 plastik ke, nak lukis wording ke, suka hati.

I made 2 wands. wanna meet them?

This is my first wand. I know, you would envy me. haha. memang tak ah kan? It takes the whole week to finish this awesome wand. I made it more HEROIC compared to the other wand. Once 'PATAH' because of Fakhruddin Razi. And I WAS LIKE..




This is my second wand. It only takes a few hours because im already PRO with WANDMAKING. This is more to Evil Look because this wand was inspired form Bellatrix Lestrange Wand. Thanks Olli for the classes. HAHA.
And, kalau ada banyak duit. CLICK SINI



Keretapi said...


even if you didn't read the books, it doesn't make you less a potterhead. at least you googled it, takdelah tunggu orang nak cerita je. but my advice is, after this find time to read the books. they're unbelievable!

huyooo ada british accent dah ni. and that second wand, the evil looking one, is so cool! you should be proud of yourself :)

Fathorazi Samsuri said...

I am proud of myself. haha. xlah. I will read the books. Well, Budak2 BIO ada masa 10 bulan sebelum intake ke IPT. sebab exam kita habis 30nov kan? waktu tu lah curi2 baca. haha